Creations from Composing Emergence

The work featured below is created by past Composing Emergence participants, during and after the CE mentorship program.

Jenny Döll

Composing emergence helped me shape my research project "DifferDance". The subject of this research was the exploration of stimming. Stimming is the term used to describe stereotypical behavior patterns that serve
self-regulation (details in the video). In addition to this
documentation, "Reclaim your stim"- workshops were created, which I continue in irregular intervals.

DifferDance was funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the program Neustart Kultur, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

Nicki Miller
Sticks & Stone

Sticks & Stone by Nicki Miller & Benjamin E. Oyzon

Are you your body? Sticks & Stone cracks this question open with this interdisciplinary duo performance work. Sticks & Stone is co-created and performed by veteran NYC interdisciplinary artists Benjamin E. Oyzon (The Metropolitan Opera, Breaking Surface, Grounded Aerial) and Nicki Miller (Only Child Aerial Theatre, Blunderland, Ripe Time). The show unfolds through poetic aerial counterweight dancing, a counterweight-operated stick-man marionette, shadow play, and original text while interrogating the old proverb of sticks and stones, asking a question those words don’t address: What do we do when our bodies become strangers to our souls?

Mandy Herrick
(m)omentum": wrapping the gutscape

(m)omentum: wrapping the gutscape moves through ideas of what it means to ingest, transform, and manifest the world around us. How and where do we find potential spaces for expansion, release, and coming together? How are the workings of the gut  analogous with the workings of the environments and systems we navigate daily, and the role they play in our integration with the spaces we inhabit. If the gut holds more nerve cells than the spinal cord; what does that tell us about our "gut feelings"?

Although the creative process was already underway, the Composing Emergence mentorship with Nita allowed me to expand out of this specific performance piece and look more inwardly at myself as a dance artist.  Questions to ponder: how do I create environments for being in relations with my world in order to move beyond what seems impossible? How do I trust this? How do I relate with what is right in front of me?